The story of hunzaroma


Hunza is a region in northern Pakistan. The people are known for their excellent health (they do not know the word sickness) and its longevity (up to 140 years!). According to legend, this people would be derived from the offspring of Alexander the Great warriors who would have founded families with Persian women.

It was in 1891 that this country was “discovered” by the West: The British took control of the region to deal with Russian claims in Central Asia. A doctor was asked to take a look at the state of health of the inhabitants. He then noted in his notebook passing in the country Hunza “nothing to report.”

It was only when he returned home, when he rereads his notes, that he realized that, if there was nothing to report, there was everything to report, since there was no disease! So he went back there to understand the reasons. According to him it would be the combination of a healthy and frugal diet, pure water and a lack of stress, linked to their way of life.

Unfortunately, industrialization begins to win, pollute and unbalance their ecological, social and economic environment; These upheavals precipitate them towards the knowledge of the disease…

We have therefore named our society in memory of this people and to signify that we do everything to accompany our clients towards this ideal of health.



To learn more about Hunzas, we invite you to visit theEncyclopedia of the Agora Dealing with this topic in depth, and read Renée Taylor’s book: Journey to the Land of the Hunza. Central book Couriers, 1965, 316 pages.

The symbol  Which replaces the first a of Hunzaroma, is the symbol of sulfur. The latter is considered in alchemy as the soul. In the vegetable kingdom, the sulfur, or the vegetable soul, is found in the essential oil.

Our mission at hunzaroma

Hunzaroma’s mission is to offer both therapeutic qualityproducts, reliable information, personalized advice and formulas, as well as products to facilitate the use of essential oils (suppositories, Capsules, creams, massage oils) at competitive prices.

Our essential oils have been selected by Maurice Nicole According to rigorous quality criteria and we put all the means in place to assure our customers full transparency on this subject.

We also make available to our customers the best aromatherapists to help them to choose the essential oils according to their needs and to reinforce them in the various uses possible.

Hunzaroma Works in association with the Institute of Scientific Aromatherapy, an independent, non-profit organization that knowingly ensures the quality of our products and the quality of the information we give to our customers.