$18.35 – $209.85
Latin name: Cinnamomum verum
Distilled part: bark
Origin: Sri Lanka
Properties: anthelmintic, antidepressant, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, fungicide, viricide, hyperemic, immunostimulant, parasiticide, stimulant, testosterone-like, digestive tonic, general tonic, nervine
Indications: asthenia, bronchitis, candidiasis, cystitis, depression, diabetes, frigidity, gastritis, gastroenteritis, gingivitis, bronchiolitis, flu, impotence, laryngitis, neurasthenia, parasitosis, pharyngitis, salmonellosis, sinusitis, ringworm, intestinal worms
Contraindications: Exert caution when using on skin (dermocaustic), except for local applications or when diluted in 95% vegetable oil. Diffusion: Never more than one drop in 30 drops of gentler essential oils since this oil can irritate the airways. Do not use with children under 5 years of age without the advice of a licensed aromatherapist.