
Waxes, emulsifiers, gums

Stearic acid



Stearic acid is an essential fatty acid extracted from plant fats that are rich in saturated fats. An excellent natural co-emulsifier, it brings softness and smoothness to emulsions and also has film-forming properties. Overuse of stearic acid in preparations will result in a greasy texture.

This ingredient is also used in conjunction with cetyl alcohol in the preparation of vegetable “butters”; stearic acid thickens the oil while providing a very soft and slightly waxy feel, whereas cetyl alcohol gives a more smoother but richer and greasier texture, providing less hardness. Without cetyl alcohol, stearic acid tends to crystallize in small strata. By modulating the quantities of oil, stearic acid and cetyl alcohol, it is therefore possible to vary the texture, consistency and feel of the butter obtained.

Proportions for semi-hard butter:

  • 60 g of your preferred vegetable oil
  • 10 g stearic acid
  • 10 g of cetyl alcohol
  • 15 to 20 drops of true lavender essential oil

In a double boiler, melt the stearic acid and the cetyl alcohol in vegetable oil. Allow to cool by stirring regularly with a whisk. Add the essential oils and whisk again.  Your butter is ready!

Additional information
Weight 0.25 kg
Acide Stéarique
