
Essential oils

BALSAM FIR, Abies balsamea



Latin name: Abies balsamea

Distilled part: needles

Origin: Québec

Properties: bactericidal, cortisone-like, decongestant, diuretic, litholytic, lymph tonic, general tonic, nervine, respiratory tonic, viricide

Indications: asthma, asthenia, bronchitis, flu, hypoadrenalism, laryngitis, neurasthenia, cold, sinusitis, bronchiolitis, chronic fatigue syndrome

Contraindications: None at physiological doses.

Recipe: See below for our beautiful homemade cough syrup recipe.


  • ¼ cup of honey (unpasteurized)
  • 50 ml. infusion of thyme (1 tbsp. dried thyme for 50 ml. boiling water)
  • 1/8 tsp. guar gum

Essential Oils

  • 25 drops Balsam fir
  • 15 drops Star anise
  • 10 drops Eucalyptus radiata (or 10 drops of Ravintsara)
  • 15 drops Lemon

Heat honey over low heat. Add the thyme infusion. Remove from heat then add the essential oils and guar gum. Mix well and then bottle. Shake well before each use. Keeps in the fridge for more than a year.

Something to keep in mind: for every 5 ml. of syrup, there are 2 drops of essential oils.

Additional information
Weight 0.025 kg
Abies Balsamea

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